Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pictures of our Apartment!!

Here is the front of our apartment. Its so welcoming, don't ya think??

Here is the view from our back door. This porch is shared between all five apartments.
The back door.
Looking from the living room to the front door.
From the top of the stairs looking down.

The upstairs bathroom.

Guest room - its all ready for guests... HINT, HINT.

Another shot of the guest room.

This is walking in from the back door.

Walking into the living room from the front door.

Our bedroom

and again.

Part of the hallway. The picture on top was our Christmas gift from Jake! We love it!!

The office. (its not always this messy - sorry)

the office again.

Walking in the front door. Our bathroom is to the right, the door you see on the right is the office, and the door on the left is our bedroom.

the kitchen

the kitchen - looking from the living room (we still don't have a kitchen table...)
the living room - looking in from the kitchen

So, this is our apartment. I had planned on writing more - but it took me so stinkin long to upload all these pics... maybe later. Anyways, its still kind of growing on us... I don't think we are going to renew our lease...
That's it for now! Maybe now that some of you have seen how kind-of-cute our guest room is, you will let us know when you plan on coming to visit!!!

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